Although perfectionism can produce good results, it often destroys relationships.
In a conversation with a friend, we talked about the shortcomings that we had to overcome. I admitted that I tend to be perfectionist. I first learned the word perfectionism when I was in junior high school. At that moment, I learned that perfectionism often destroys relationships, although it can produce good results. while speaking with a friend about some personal problems I have been going through, I found out that she is also dealing with some of her own personal issues. I was encouraged to learn that I was not the only one fighting to overcome the shortcomings.

AではあるがB: although A, B. though A, B.
“although” と “though” って違いはあるの?
- ”although” の方がフォーマルなので、話し言葉では “though” がよく用いられる。
- “though” は文末で使うこともできる。
Although / Though he studied very hard, he didn’t score well.
I didn’t feel comfortable, although / though I didn’t say so at the time.